Thursday, August 25, 2011

Botox - The Rumor Mill


Botox - The Rumor Mill

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A look at the rampant rumors going around about who has had Botox, from those who won't confess, to those who do.


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You knew it had to happen.  Eventually the whole world would be looking at every Hollywood star and trying to figure out the one burning question in the back of their mind, "Did she or didn't she?" or, he as the case may be.  We of course are referring to the stars who have gone and gotten themselves a bit of Botox injected into their faces. 

While none of the rumors can be confirmed, except by the few stars who have actually admitted to having Botox injections, these rumors are still flying around the Internet and magazines.  Some may surprise you.  Others, you probably would have bet your life that they were getting pumped up. 

We'll start the rumor mill off with probably two of the hottest stars today because of the show "Desperate Housewives". We're of course referring to the very hot Nicolette Sheridan and Teri Hatcher.  In an actual interview, Hatcher admits to having had some work done on her face.  She said, and I quote, "In the past I've had Botox and collagen".  She then went on to deny that she and Nicolette Sheridan have had any plastic surgery and didn't know if Sheridan had had Botox injections.  Sheridan herself would not offer any comment but if you take a good look at her face, as many plastic surgery experts have pointed out, and compare it to her days on Knots Landing, it is painfully obvious that she has had work done on her face and most likely has had Botox as well. 

Hatcher went on to say that she stopped the Botox injections, not for any health reasons but simply because she finally decided to let herself age naturally.  She said that the last time she had an injection was over a year ago. 

Another big name in the rumor mill is Cher.  She has always publicly admitted to having work done on her face as well as many other parts of her body.  However, she admits to some surgeries but when asked about other surgeries she denies them.  As for Botox, she has never actually said she has or hasn't.  The question probably just never came up. 

Of course, one of the most famous names in history for plastic surgery is Joan Rivers.  She is one of the few people who has admitted to having so much work done on her face and her body that she incorporates jokes about these procedures into her comedy routine.  She has made Botox a running joke in her life and it has paid off. 

The men are not exempt from the Botox craze.  Ryan Seacrest, it has been reported, has been forbidden by doctors to have anymore Botox treatments for certain undisclosed health reasons.  These reports have not been confirmed but they are all over the Internet. 

And the list of stars goes on and on.  Famous celebrities on the rumor mill also include Sylvester Stallone, Elizabeth Taylor, Madonna and Phyllis Diller. 

With millions of people getting these shots each year, according to statistics, somebody is getting them and let's face it, some of these people shouldn't be looking as good as they do.

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Are Botox Treatments A Miracle For Wrinkles Or A Toxic Scare?


Are Botox Treatments A Miracle For Wrinkles Or A Toxic Scare?

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A quick online search for the term Botox will reveal that there are as many people searching for Botox as there people searching for Botox alternatives. Botox was approved by the FDA in 2002 as a cosmetic procedure to get rid of wrinkles. A simple needle injection was demonstrated to miraculously eliminate nagging lines and wrinkles and the boom was on….until people started to read about what "tox" in Botox really was.

Botox is the trade name used for Botulinum Toxin Type ...

botox treatments, botox injection, botox injections, botox alternative, botox cost, botox cosmetic

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A quick online search for the term Botox will reveal that there are as many people searching for Botox as there people searching for Botox alternatives. Botox was approved by the FDA in 2002 as a cosmetic procedure to get rid of wrinkles. A simple needle injection was demonstrated to miraculously eliminate nagging lines and wrinkles and the boom was on….until people started to read about what "tox" in Botox really was.

Botox is the trade name used for Botulinum Toxin Type A. Yes, I said toxin as in poison. Botox is in fact a relative of botulism, a kind of food poisoning. This food poisoning occurs when a person eats any kind of food that contains a neurotoxin which is created by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum.

Botulinum Toxin Type A, which is just one of seven of the neurotoxins that are produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. Botulinum Toxin Type A causes serious fatal conditions such as paralysis.

When this occurs, the neurotransmitter that is in charge of triggering muscle contractions (acetylcholine) can no longer be released. The Botulinum toxins have attacked the proteins such as SNAP-25 that are supposed to be essential for release of this acetylcholine.

The Botulinum toxins have now accomplished blocking the signals that are supposed to tell the victim's muscles to contract.

By now you're probably wondering why anyone would want to inject these toxins into their body INTENTIALY. The reason is that we want to get results fast and Botox does work. If any area of your body can be prevented from moving, then it can't contract and guess what? It can't wrinkle - that is the phenomenon of Botox!

Botox starts to work within hours but the results will not last permanently. Depending on your body, the effects of Botox can last anywhere from 3 to 8 months.

As for whether Botox is dangerous or not, the dangers remain fairly low.

Botox is definitely not recommended for people with neuromuscular disorders as it would be dangerous for them. It is also not recommended for people with cardiovascular disease. If you don't have either of these problems you should still consult with your physician before considering Botox.

Studies have shown that if you are a person that is a good candidate for Botox injections and the injections are administered by a qualified profession you should not experience any dangerous side effects. If you are searching for a way to look longer, generally Botox is a relatively safe way to combat the aging process.


Apricot Kernel Oil


Apricot Kernel Oil

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World over people use massage therapy to help promote healthy skin, nourish and strengthen the body, relieve stress, reduce pain, and encourage balance and well being. Massage opens and increases the flow of energy, balancing the entire nervous system and helping to release physical and emotional disharmony. The many benefits of massage are enhanced by the use of high quality massage oil.

Apricot tree is the member of the rose family originating from Central and East Asia....

Massage Therapy, Massage oil, Apricot Kernel Oil.

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World over people use massage therapy to help promote healthy skin, nourish and strengthen the body, relieve stress, reduce pain, and encourage balance and well being. Massage opens and increases the flow of energy, balancing the entire nervous system and helping to release physical and emotional disharmony. The many benefits of massage are enhanced by the use of high quality massage oil.

Apricot tree is the member of the rose family originating from Central and East Asia. The fruit, rich in vitamins is used to produce the pleasant smelling Apricot Kernel Oil. Apricot Kernel Oil is very mild natural oil, often used in baby products because of its fine gentle nature.

Apricot kernel oil is cold pressed and refined from the dried kernels of the apricot fruit. It is light in colour with pleasant nutty odor and used in manufacturer of creams, balms, lotions and cosmetics.

Sought out for its high vitamin E content and skin softening properties, apricot kernel oil is known for its ability to penetrate the skin without leaving an oily feel. Apricot kernel oil is also popular as massage oil and it used as carrier oil when used with essential oils for aromatherapy.

Rich in essential fatty acids like oleic and linoleic acid, apricot kernel oil is high in vitamin A. Since it easily penetrates the skin, it is good oil for prematurely aged, dry or irritated skin. The excellent softening and moisturizing properties is great for face, hands and hair. Vitamins A & C are good for mature dry or sensitive skin. The apricot kernel oil helps skin retain elasticity, clarity, and suppleness. Crushed Apricot Kernels are commonly used as a facial mask to soften the skin.

In addition, Apricot Kernel Oil is used as an antitussive, anti-asthmatic and to treat tumors in traditional Chinese medicine. It helps to calm the inflammation / irritation of eczema and dermatitis. When combined with an equal amount of St. John's Wort Oil, it is acts as anti-inflammatory and has a cooling effect.

Due to its moisturizing, nourishing and revitalizing properties, apricot kernel oil is widely used for massage therapy.

Face Mask Formula - A soft paste made of 2 drops each of frankincense, rose and neroli oils, 6 tsp of apricot oil, 1 tsp clear melted honey and finely ground almond makes a good moisturizing face mask.

For nourished, soft and supple skin, rub apricot kernel oil on your body daily.

Acne Fusion - Pour 1 ounce of apricot kernel oil, 12 drops of lavender essential oil, 7 drops of tea tree essential oil and 1 drop of geranium essential oil in amber coloured clean bottle. Close it tightly and roll the bottle to mix the blend. Apply a small amount of this blend to the acne affected area.


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Lowdown On The Online RN To BSN Degree


The Lowdown On The Online RN To BSN Degree

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This article gives a large amount of information relating to the online RN to BSN degree.

online, nursing, search, university, nurse, RN, degree, education, BSN

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What is the lowdown on the online RN to BSN degree?  Those of you that are a registered nurse may be quite content with your current position.  It may fit your needs just fine.  But, for those that are looking for a bit more of a leadership role in their coursework or in their employment will want to consider moving from the RN to the BSN degree.  There are many benefits to this from advancement opportunities to being able to get graduate level degrees.  The lowdown on the online RN to BSN degrees is quite simple.  You can do it if you would like to.

You can expect the RN to BSN degree program from an accredited online school to take you about two years time if you go full time.  If you add more courses to your schedule each semester, you can complete this degree under that amount of time.  Of course, when you stretch it out, it can take you as long as you need to, to complete it. 

There are several key benefits to making this transition.  The main one to consider is the aspect of leadership that you will be able to now accept.  Those that are working in the field currently will be able to move to higher paid and more managerial aspects of the nursing job.  You will be qualified for nursing positions, hospital administration positions and nursing management positions.  Although you will need to invest in doing so, this is one step that you can take to earn your graduate degree in nursing as well.

Before you get started, though, make sure that you get the lowdown on the online RN to BSN degree programs first.  This will mean that you will need to invest time into getting the information on coursework and hours directly from the schools you look to attend.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What a Woman Wants in a Man


What a Woman Wants in a Man

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What is the ONE thing women want from a guy the most?"

Many people might think it may be money, security, looks, humor or any of that other stuff that most guys tend to think of. Yet its Being a Real Man that's the one thing women want; it's a man whose real and knows what he i about and where he is going ...

women,want,attract women,seduction

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What is the ONE thing women want from a guy the most?"

Many people might think it may be money, security, looks, humor or any of that other stuff that most guys tend to think of. Yet its Being a Real Man that's the one thing women want; it's a man whose real and knows what he i about and where he is going ...

Put in another way a woman is a woman and a man is a man and a man needs a woman and a woman needs a man, makes sense right?

To attract a woman you Do NOT need to "entertain her by "being funny".

You Do NOT need to impress her by bragging.

You Do NOT need to try and please her with attention and compliments.

Instead Attract a woman by giving her the full synesthesia of a "Real Man."

The Main reason a woman wants you is because you are a MAN. If you begin to act like a women or her own personal Court Jester; women will NOT be attracted to you. A women who doesn't need a man is called a Lesbian and not surprisingly even with these women acting like a women won't get you anywhere as well.

Here are 7 Ways of the "Real Man

1.Maintain control during the date.
2.Never let her walk all over you.
3.Never complain or whine.
4.Learn how to say "no" to a woman and say it often.
5.Set clear goals in your life.
6.Be comfortable with yourself.
7.Be comfortable with all your desires,

A BIG part of becoming a Real MAN is to take matters into YOUR OWN HAND. Read this part VERY carefully, no one is going to live your life for you. You can't just sit there and expect attractive women to come to you.

You need to take control of your own life, and meet the kinds of women you've always wanted to meet.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

BOTOX Injections


BOTOX Injections

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One of the most popular, if not the most popular, non-surgical cosmetic procedures these days are BOTOX ® injections.

botox injections

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Not everyone is willing to undergo surgery, whether it be a life-saving procedure or a cosmetic surgical one. More often than not, these people who are deathly afraid of any form of surgery are composed of individuals who swoon every time they see an injection needle, a scalpel, or anything sharp slowly coming into contact with their skin.

Luckily for those who want to improve their looks through cosmetic surgery procedures, but are scared senseless of the idea of an actual operation, a wide array of non-surgical options are now open to them. One of the most popular, if not the most popular, non-surgical cosmetic procedures these days are BOTOX ® injections.

BOTOX ® cosmetic is the trade name for botulinum toxin A. Simply put, BOTOX ® is a toxin. Not just any toxin, but a toxin that is a by-product of botulism, a form of food poisoning. Not too many people realize that the wildly popular cosmetic treatment is in reality a poisonous substance. How did it come to this? A lot of people may be wondering why anyone would want something as poisonous as botulinum toxin type A injected into their bodies.

Here's a bit of a history about how BOTOX ® came about. In the 1950s, researchers stumbled upon the fact that minute injections of botulinum toxin type A can help decrease the activity of muscles deemed to be overactive.

Eventually, botulinum toxin type A was packaged as BOTOX ®. Initially, however, BOTOX ® was intended to treat eye muscle disorders such as misaligned eyes and blepharospasm or  uncontrollable blinking. But it was only a matter of time before its cosmetic benefits were discovered. Doctors realized this when they reported that the frown lines between the eyebrows of patients appeared to soften after treatments.

This is primarily because botulinum toxin type A is a neurotoxin which basically blocks the signals that would normally tell your muscles to contract. Simply put, BOTOX ® causes paralysis in the specific muscles that are injected with it. And if an area of the body can't move, it cannot wrinkle. Thus, its cosmetic surgery benefits.

Numerous men and women now consider BOTOX ® injections as part of their regular beauty regimens. And more and more people are getting hooked on it because it really does remove unwanted wrinkles, unsightly neck bands, and ugly crow's feet. As a matter of fact, BOTOX ® injections are now so commonplace that people now hold so-called BOTOX ® parties, a social gathering where participants get their BOTOX ® fixes.

What's more, BOTOX ® can also be used to treat various ailments, including cervical dystonia, excessive sweating and migraines. However, people should still do research on the popular treatment in order for them to make an informed decision on whether to undergo the procedure or not.


Botox Parties


Botox Parties

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An informative article about the growing trend of botox parties.

botox, botox treatments, wrinkle treatments

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Wrinkle erasing botox injections have come home to roost in the living rooms of average Americans from Arkansas to Arizona. Once thought to be accessible only by the wealthy and well-known, Botox, a drug derived from a poison called Botulinum toxin, has been used for years in doctors' offices to help treat and prevent mild to severe facial wrinkles.

Botox treatments boast diluted samples of nerve blocking toxins, which prevent muscles from contracting during normal facial expressions and help to soften and relax facial wrinkling. For a culture bent on preternaturally youthful looks, this sounds like a miracle cure. Botox is fast, painless, relatively affordable, and it's becoming a way for estheticians, dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons to grow their patient lists.

At a cost of about $350 per injection and a life span of approximately three months, for those of us with furrowed brows, laugh lines and crow's feet and a large measure of vanity, Botox injections may seem like the discount fountain of youth- and with Botox parties growing in popularity, you can get it in the Jones' living room along with hors d'oeuvres and a glass of Chardonnay.

The danger in these parties and with Botox injections in general, is that on occasion, Botox can migrate from the injection area. An injection into a frown line could send the nerve blocking agent to other areas of the face and cause a "sleepy eye" or a frozen appearance. While Botox is not a permanent wrinkle treatment, any amount of time spent with an unmoving expression could cause some distress.

Many doctors strongly disagree with making Botox house calls, saying it invites criticism of their profession, detracts from professionalism and raises the chances for poor results. Although Botox is used mainly to smooth out the wrinkles of an age-obsessed beauty conscious society, the Botox drug itself can also be used to treat excessive sweating in palms and underarms, cerebral palsy in children, and herniated discs. "Botox should not be underestimated as a real drug meant for medical use," says one doctor.

Doctors and surgeons urge their patients to consider botox and any form of cosmetic improvement with some due deliberation. Reflect on the time, place and the person administering the treatment before going under the syringe, and above all, be aware that there are risks associated with botox treatments.


Breast Augmentation Or Reduction - What Are The Implications?


Breast Augmentation Or Reduction - What Are The Implications?

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Breast augmentation is used to enlarge the size of a woman's breast while breast reduction is often necessary when abnormally huge breasts result in orthopedic pain.

surgery, cosmetic surgery, plastic surgery, health, beauty, men, women, tummy, stomach

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People often tend to beautify and, at times, exaggerate the alluring portions of their body. A worthy example of this is breast plastic surgery, which contemporary women opt for in order to enhance their appearance. Breast plastic surgery has several forms, namely breast implant or enhancement, breast lift, and breast reduction. Each type has its own significance and is employed under different circumstances. While breast implant (also known as breast augmentation) is used to enlarge the size of a woman's breast, breast reduction is often necessary when abnormally huge breasts result in orthopedic pain.

Breast implant has two primary types, namely saline implants and silicone gel implants. However, advanced research is bound to make other filler types available. A staggering fact is that breast augmentation is the third most popular cosmetic surgery procedure in the United States. Unequivocally, this is an absolute evidence of women's obsession with their looks, and also a substantial proof as to the safety and efficacy of the procedure.

Breast lift is a surgical procedure designed to reshape sagging breasts, in order to give them a more appealing look. Primarily used to improve breast drooping, breast lift procedure can be combined with breast augmentation to improve volume as well. The procedure typically involves incisions around the base of the breast and, therefore, results in scarring.

Breast reduction is another surgical procedure which entails the reduction of the size of breasts by removing fat, glandular tissue, and skin. Breast reduction is primarily used for women with huge, sagging breasts, as the weight of their breasts may cause orthopedic, circulation, and breathing problems. Though relatively rare, obese men with women-like breasts may also opt for breast reduction surgery.

Whatever be the type of breast plastic surgery, people are increasingly opting for it. Since aesthetics play a major role in the choice of people we hang out with, women see no harm in enhancing the alluring portions of their body if it were at the cost of minimal scarring.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Holiday Planning Tips For Busy Moms


Holiday Planning Tips For Busy Moms

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Ahhh, the Holidays…… The Thanksgiving turkey comes out of the oven golden brown, with an enticing aroma that fills the entire house. All the china is in pristine condition and not a single piece in the set is missing. The family is gathered for holiday pictures, the children are poised perfectly; hands to themselves, not a hair out of place and their smiles are shining brightly for the camera. Then just as the photographer is about to capture the shot… you wake up!

Let's b...

holiday planning

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Ahhh, the Holidays…… The Thanksgiving turkey comes out of the oven golden brown, with an enticing aroma that fills the entire house. All the china is in pristine condition and not a single piece in the set is missing. The family is gathered for holiday pictures, the children are poised perfectly; hands to themselves, not a hair out of place and their smiles are shining brightly for the camera. Then just as the photographer is about to capture the shot… you wake up!

Let's be realistic ladies. Without proper planning, the holidays are anything but a holiday. Just look at the list of things that need to be done: Shopping, cooking, cleaning, decorating, sending holiday mail, the list goes on and on.

Let me clue you all in on a few key questions that you should ask yourself in order to have a holiday season free of stress and worry, and instead filled with fun and laughter:

What types of holiday celebrations do you want? For example: Do you want to have an immediate family only holiday affair or an extravaganza including immediate and extended family plus a few friends? Once you've thought everything through and decided on the type of holiday gathering you would like, you can then start making your plans.

If you are ready to get a head start on organizing yourself, your family and your holiday check lists, then keep reading:

Holiday Cards: Start early! I use a holiday card list that I derive from saving names and addresses from holiday cards my family has received in past years. I created a simple, computerized list that is easy to edit and print onto address labels. Be sure to stock up on stamps so that when you have your cards signed, stuffed and addressed you can affix a stamp to them and make one, simple trip to the Post Office.
Holiday Gifts: There's nothing like getting a HUGE credit card bill in the mail at the start of the New Year. Many of us tend to want to be generous when shopping for holiday gifts. While your generosity will be appreciated at gift giving time, keep in mind that it is very easy to succumb to "impulse buying" and go all out on your holiday shopping. While your intentions may be good, your pocketbook may be singing a different song. Set a budget and stick to it – your bank account will thank you for it after the start of the New Year.

Wrap it up: Wrap your gifts and place nametags on them immediately after you bring them home, then store the gifts in a secure spot. This will cut down on those late night wrapping sessions that I am sure we ALL have experienced a few times, if not every year.

Baking & cooking: If you will be cooking during the holidays, it is important to plan your meals ahead of time. Be sure to stock up ahead of time on all the necessary non-perishable baking ingredients such as flour, sugar and spices. Create a list of your holiday menus and a list of the ingredients you will need to prepare each of those meals. Also, try to think of a few dishes that can be prepared ahead of time and then frozen as an extra timesaving measure

Delegate: This is one of my favorite tips. Be sure to enlist the help of your family or friends. Sit down and discuss what needs to be done then ask for volunteers. If no hands are raised, simply assign small tasks to each of them. Whether it is arranging for a babysitter so that you can escape for a child free day of shopping, passing the shopping list onto another family member or friend so that they can pick up the items for you, or letting the children decorate your home. Be sure to get the whole family involved in the holiday preparations so that you will not be overwhelmed.

Enjoy: Whatever you decide to do, remember to relax and enjoy yourself. You and your family will have much fonder memories of this holiday season if you are not spending it pulling your hair out.